Date: 1931
Origin: Photo & Text: James Lorimer, THE EX: A Picture History of the Canadian National Exhibition (Toronto: James Lewis & Samuel, Publishers, 1973) p.80
A fashion show at the CNE in 1931.
These took place in the Manufacturers’ Building, where clothing makers had their exhibits.
Most displays directed at women were next door in the Women’s Building. The program there featured displays by Women’s Institutes, lectures, musical programs, demonstrations of arts and crafts, cooking and so on.
In 1925, the list of lecture topics included:
- “Does a Tea-Room Pay? Yes”
- “The Call of the Hen and the Typewriter” but also
- “Birth Control” &
- “The Growth of Canadian Literature”
The 1925 Exhibition Programme also lists the cooking demonstrations for women. They include:
- John’s Mother is Coming to Supper. (Tuesday, September 1)
- Mrs. Smith Serves Tea (Wednesday, September 2)
- Let’s Pack a Basket & Go to the Woods (Thursday, September 3)
- The Women’s Institute Served Supper to the Masons (Friday, September 4)